Today we’re tackling what confusion my exist around the various *-clouds. We have multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, private-cloud, and so many more. After we narrow down the multi-cloud description to it’s key points the conversation begins around why we’d want something multi-cloud to begin with! It’s the beginning of a series of conversations we’re going to have around the multi-cloud space and all of the complexities, advantages, lock-in, and related topics around this new foray into distributed syste

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Today we’re tackling what confusion my exist around the various *-clouds. We have multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, private-cloud, and so many more. After we narrow down the multi-cloud description to it’s key points the conversation begins around why we’d want something multi-cloud to begin with! It’s the beginning of a series of conversations we’re going to have around the multi-cloud space and all of the complexities, advantages, lock-in, and related topics around this new foray into distributed syste

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