•What about the rest of Biden’s housing policy?
oAffirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
During his campaign, Biden promised to reinstate AFFH, allocate $640B over the next 10 years to dramatically increase the nation’s housing supply, provide more robust funding for affordable housing projects through the Housing Trust Fund, establish “eviction diversion programs” for at-risk tenants, and create emergency funding for housing vouchers and homeless shelters.
o$15,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit
oHUD Marcia Fudge
Congresswoman Fudge consistently fights for voter protection, equitable access to a quality education from preschool through post-secondary programs, child nutrition, food stamp (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) recipients, access to locally grown, healthy foods, fair labor practices, and civil and human rights, among other issues. Additionally, she remains a steadfast advocate to strengthen and preserve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
•“Control of the Senate would give Biden his best shot at signing major new legislation on key issues such as the climate emergency, immigration, voting rights, poverty and racial justice,” a Guardian article read. “But even two Democratic victories in Georgia would not mean that Biden could easily implement a progressive legislative agenda, because centrist Democrats in the Senate might break with the party in close votes.”