TRIGGER WARNING: This podcast discusses sexual assault, grooming and several other sensitive subject matters.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to a very special roundtable discussion episode of the Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip.

Pip is joined on this one by a powerful assembly of wrestling community associated women to have an informed, honest and educated talk about the current state of British Wrestling, which has recently been tainted severely by a number of serious allegations of sexual abuse.

A very heavy situation to unpack and discuss, but this is an awesomely positive team to do just that, as Pip is joined by:

• Journalist and writer Kirsty Bosley (aka Bozzers)

• PW GrrrlGang’s Death By Suzy

• Hardcore wrestling homie Vicky Haskins

The four of them get right into it, and rather than getting into specifics of the cases being brought to attention right now, they offer advice and wisdom (from their own experiences and from discussions with the Police, Victim support & representatives of PROGRESS wrestling) to anyone and everyone affected by such issues and how to identify such situations, where to go for help and assistance, personal experience, the nuances of each case and the sensitivity each requires, social media’s role in the whole thing and how it can be right for some and not for others, and just a huge amount of positive greatness for you to absorb. Be you British Wrestling fan, or any kind of wrestling fan, this will obviously be one for your ears BUT more importantly - this is for EVERYONE. These situations are unfortunately universal and can affect anyone in any line of work, so it can be a very useful thing to hear - naturally no-one wants to have anyone they love or are friends with affected by anything like this but it’s very useful to at least have a little armoury should that situation arise. A kind of ‘break in case of emergency’ armoury. So listen close, and be informed - not everyone knows about this situation in British Wrestling but it’s hugely encouraging to hear how the community is not standing for it.

Be warned - this episode, while not necessarily very explicit in language, might be hard for some to listen to. Just a word of caution. There are no specifics of cases discussed, but it’s not an easy topic to engage in. So just bear that in mind.

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This episode's links:

• CHILDLINE •‎ / 0800 1111

Online, on the phone, anytime - a very handy number to have

• SAMARITANS •‎ / 116 123 (UK) / 116 123 (ROI)

The classic helpline, always there for you

• MASH • 'multi agency safeguarding hub'

Concerns about children can be logged, just Google MASH and your region should be accessible


An A-Z of various offences, with advice on how to handle them - for example, the Child Sexual Abuse page has a lot of useful information, and the user can find info easily regarding the chosen...

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