Dissident Island strikes again! November’s first offering has in store:

– An interview with Camesquat, occupying Camelot’s London headquarters (00:01:25 – 00:08:15)

Chilean photographer Guido live in the studio discussing their efforts to document resistance and offensive action against the state (00:13:10 – 00:30:15)

– The LDMG‘s Andy giving us updates on Dover, East St. and Black Lives Matter, plus the low down on all things highway related (00:30:40 – 00:50:40)

– Tunes from Belgian experimental dub outfit Entropeia (00:08:15 – 00:13:10 & 00:30:40 – 00:30:35)

– Hungry Man DJ sending us love and good tunes to finish off the evening (00:56:00 – 01:54:47)