Dissident Island episode 221 brings you irreverent insights from our insurrectionary intimates including:


– A comedic insight into space exploration by anarchic consensus teamwork (00:00:00-00:03:18)


– Words on theatre of the oppressed: red or black pedagogy for social change? (00:04:12-00:12:58)


– A catch up with a campaigner from the ‘Take Back the City’ movement
about recent housing struggles in central Dublin. (00:15:58-00:30:42)


– ACAB Andy on why grassing is actually quite a bad idea and a recap on the public order act (00:34:16-00:47:21)


– Research collective C.I.R.C.E. on convivial technologies and the hacker approach to life (00:53:01-01:16:50)


– Announcements for your diaries, shout outs and condolences to the family and friends of Steffen Horst Meyn (01:16:50-01:25:21)


– Plus sick spoken word from mega-babe George F. (00:13:45-00:15:58, 00:30:42-00:34:16, 00:48:05-00:53:01, 01:25:34-01:28:05)


– DJ Little Sh*t with experimental alternative rock tracks (01:28:04-02:19:08)


Download the full show below, or you can download the show and dj set separately from:

Show: https://is.gd/di_221_show

DJ Set: https://is.gd/di_221_dj_little_shit