Dissident Island Radio episode 175 has in store for you:


– Words from a Calais Migrant Solidarity activist about the ongoing, and overlooked, situation in Calais. (00:01:22 – 00:24:31)


Reboot the Roots discussing Theatre of the Oppressed, the evolution of spectator into spect-actor and collaborative theatre as revolutionary pedagogy. (0025:00 – 00:42:19)


– The LDMG‘s Andy with another bout of legal savvy, this time looking at how to address judges. (00:45:46 – 00:55:37)


– Announcements and prisoner info. (00:56:30 – 01:01:00)


– Sounds from from the first No Borders Night at The Field, New Cross with reports from the migrant camps in Greece. (01:01:00 – 01:28:01)


– SPY-K on the wheels of steel banging out some hard tek! (01:28:19 – 02:28:09)