Dissident Island Radio returns after our summer break with more radio goodies from 9pm GMT tonight. In store we have:

– An update from the Zone à défendre near Nantes following the recent referendum approving airport development


– Words from the SQUASH campaign on the fourth anniversary of the residential squatting ban


– Members of ‘Art and Critique’ are in to discuss their upcoming [Symposium] Book Club event at The Field, New Cross


– The LDMGs Andy sligning legal canny like it aint no thang


– Everyday Junglist hitting dem wheels of steel!


Plus announcements, independent music and ghostly sounds from our spooky basement studio.

Dissident Island Radio returns after our summer break with more radio goodies from 9pm GMT tonight. In store we have:

– An update from the Zone à défendre near Nantes following the recent referendum approving airport development


– Words from the SQUASH campaign on the fourth anniversary of the residential squatting ban


– Members of ‘Art and Critique’ are in to discuss their upcoming [Symposium] Book Club event at The Field, New Cross


– The LDMGs Andy sligning legal canny like it aint no thang


– Everyday Junglist hitting dem wheels of steel!


Plus announcements, independent music and ghostly sounds from our spooky basement studio.