Dissident Island Radio Episode 195 focussed heavily on homelessness looking at issues around those classed as homeless, those working to support homeless people, and the survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire who have recently lost their homes. The show features:


– A live discussion about the government’s ‘hostile environment’ policy on immigration (00:00:59 – 00:14:26)


– Streets Kitchen talking about grassroots responses to homelessness (00:18:30 – 00:31:25)


– The LDMG’s Andy discussing vagrancy laws as well as corporate manslaughter and the niceties of inquests/inquiries (00:33:54 – 00:51:03)


– Announcements for trouble makers and fun lovers alike (00:51:32 – 00:58:27)


– Words about Grenfell Tower from Pilgrim Tucker, Lowki The Scottish Rapper and Mr. G (00:59:18 – 01:17:35)


– A well deserved repeat of DJ Fluxn on the wheels of steel banging out the DnB/breakcore beats (01:17:35 – 02:15:26)