Dissident Island Radio episode 213 features disobedient dialogue from:


– Members of Brighton and North London Solfed telling us about their work with renters, organising to beat dodgy landlords and letting agents (00:01:20 – 00:15:10)


– Organisers of the Decolonise Fest discussing the upcoming DIY punk festival celebrating punx of colour (00:17:55 – 00:41:35)


– Martin Lux of Red & Black TV with his thoughts on May ’68 and all that’s happened since (00:45:20 – 00:55:48)


– The LDMG‘s Andy giving updates from the courts and bringing words from the fracking front line (00:58:15 – 01:04:20)


– Announcements and shoutouts (01:06:17 – 01:10:14)


– Laurent Spy-k on the wheels of steel delivering a healthy serving of old school hard Tek and acid core (01:10:14 – 02:25:03)