From climate disaster to the erosion of democracy, from racialized disposession to the exploitation of care work: Capitalism is devouring our very possibilities of existence, argues Nancy Fraser in her latest book "Cannibal Capitalism". The Marxist feminist theorist joins Dissens to talk about the ways in which capitalism is eating up our common wealth and how we can put an end to it.

Philosopher and feminist Nancy Fraser on the threat of disaster capitalism and what to do about it

From climate disaster to the erosion of democracy, from racialized disposession to the exploitation of care work: Capitalism is devouring our very possibilities of existence, argues Nancy Fraser in her latest book "Cannibal Capitalism". The Marxist feminist theorist joins Dissens to talk about the ways in which capitalism is eating up our common wealth and how we can put an end to it.


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Nancy Fraser, born 1947 in Baltimore, teaches political and social science at the New School for Social Research in New York. She published numerous books on capitalism and a socialist alternative for the future, her latest being "Cannibal Capitalism: How our System is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet – and What We Can Do About It".


Dissens verlost ein Exemplar von Nancy Frasers "Der Allesfresser.
Wie der Kapitalismus seine eigenen Grundlagen verschlingt"
unter allen Fördermitgliedern und denen, die es bis zur nächsten Folge werden.



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