Previous Episode: #210 Evil Dead 2
Next Episode: #211 Raising Arizona

Listener Request Month is May (and June on Patreon!)

Get your requests in on the Dissecting the 80s Hotline: 856-347-7328 (856-DISSECT) by leaving your name, where you're calling from, and the movie you'd like to hear us cover!

Remember: 1978-1992 PLUS all eligible sequels, prequels, reboot-quels and more! If the franchise existed in the '80s, all of the other movies are on the table. 

You have until 11:59:59 EST on April 15 to get them in, so pick up the phone and call! Overseas listeners who can't make the call can send this info in a voice memo to [email protected]

Looking for episode #203? It’s Footloose, and it’s at, along with nearly 20 hours of bonus content at the $5 tier!

“NewsSting, Ouroboros” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution

Keywords: Listener Request Month, Movie, Retro, 80s, Podcast, Eighties