AI TRAPS: Automating Discrimination The Art of Exposing Injustice - Part 2 The 16th conference of the Disruption Network Lab ON THE POLITICS OF AI: Fighting Injustice & Automatic Supremacism Dia Kayyali (Leader of the Tech & Advocacy program at WITNESS, SY/US/DE), Os Keyes (Ada Lovelace Fellow, Human-Centred Design & Engineering, University of Washington, US), Dan McQuillan (Lecturer in Creative & Social Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founding Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE). What do we need to take into consideration when calling for a just AI? Do we need to implement changes in how we design AI, or shall we rather adopt a larger perspective and reflect on how human society is structured? Dia Kayyali will present ways in which AI is facilitating white supremacy, nationalism, racism and transphobia. They will focus on the ways in which AI is being developed and how it is being deployed, in particular for policing and content moderation - two seemingly disparate but politically linked applications. Conversations around AI bias tend to discuss differences in outcome between demographic categories, within notions of race, gender, sexuality, disability or class. Rather than treat these attributes as universal and unquestioned, opening up space for cultural imperialism and presumption in how we "fix" bias, Os Keyes will reflect on how contextually shape these issues. They will discuss how not to fall into the trap of universalise such concepts, arguing that a truly "just" or "equitable" AI must not just be "bias-free" - it must also be local, contextual and meaningfully shaped and controlled by those subject to it. Finally, focusing on machine learning and artificial neural networks, also known as deep learning, Dan McQuillan will reflect on how developing an antifascist AI, influencing our understanding of what is both possible and desirable, and what ought to be. Photo Credit: Maria Silvano Produced by Voice Republic For more podcasts visit