In this interview, Tony Delgado chats with special guest Brad Blazer about his expertise in raising capital, the importance of integrity and mindset, and the process of building relationships with investors.

Podcast Highlights
💰 Brad emphasizes the importance of getting started early in raising capital, encouraging entrepreneurs to be intentional and take actions to grow their funds.
🌍 Brad discusses the power of disrupting conformity and taking a non-conforming approach to life and business, urging individuals to challenge traditional norms.
📈 He shares valuable insights on how to structure deals, ensuring transparency and providing full disclosure to investors for effective risk management.
📚 Brad offers resources and guidance for entrepreneurs, including a free strategy call and access to his books and boot camps for learning how to raise capital effectively.
📱 Brad can be found on Instagram and his website, as well as on Amazon where his books on raising capital are available for further learning and guidance visit