Well hello boys and girls, long time no see!  We apologize for the unexpected hiatus, but these things do happen.  But never fear!  This year’s annual Halloween Spookfuckular is worth the wait!  This go round, we have changed things up a bit.  We have decided to do a double feature that pairs the wonderfully … Continue reading We Belong Dead: Halloween Spookfuckular – House on Haunted Hill Double Feature →


Well hello boys and girls, long time no see!  We apologize for the unexpected hiatus, but these things do happen.  But never fear!  This year’s annual Halloween Spookfuckular is worth the wait!  This go round, we have changed things up a bit.  We have decided to do a double feature that pairs the wonderfully kooky and creepy House on Haunted Hill with it’s criminally underrated remake!  So sit back, relax, and listen to a couple of horror fans forget that they are recording a damn podcast with this year’s Spookfuckular.