It’s that time of year boys and girls!  That’s right, it’s the time where Ian and Lono do their damnedest to create timely Halloween themed content that ends up coming out a month late!  But, honestly, at this point in our relationship would you expect anything different?  This time we took on the arduous task … Continue reading WBD Halloween Spookfuckular 2019 →

It’s that time of year boys and girls!  That’s right, it’s the time where Ian and Lono do their damnedest to create timely Halloween themed content that ends up coming out a month late!  But, honestly, at this point in our relationship would you expect anything different?  This time we took on the arduous task of watching and reviewing all of the entries in the Halloween franchise.  That’s right, even that one.  There are alot of mixed emotions flying around on this episode, with just a dash or two of mental anguish.  So you’d best appreciate this one.  And keep tuning in, because in a few days we will be following up this episode by dropping our feature commentary for the great (?) Halloween 2018!