When you write for Outside Magazine for 14 years, chances are you have some stories. From Lance Armstrong to Mount Everest to kayaking first descents and everything in between, Grayson Schaffer has covered it. We connect with him to discuss his latest piece, on psychedelics, and his other creative endeavors these days.

Topics discussed, with host Russ Rizzo:

His 14+ career writing for Outside Magazine

psychedelic drugs

His new creative firm, Talweg

psychedelic drugs

Lance Armstrong

psychedelic drugs

Big water boating

psychedelic drugs

An old fling

psychedelic drugs

Bareback riding (horses)

psychedelic drugs

Hunting elk with a bow and arrow

psychedelic drugs  


Grayson’s website: http://www.graysonschaffer.com/

Grayson’s creative agency, Talweg Creative: http://www.talwegcreative.com/

Grayson’s latest in Outside Magazine: https://www.outsideonline.com/2143036/are-psychedelics-new-prozac