It's time D-Heads! The Month Long Annual Not-So-Scary Celebration continues! This week we open the doors to the Haunted Mansion as we welcome DINA WATERS to the show! Dina is stopping in to talk about being part of such films as The Haunted Mansion, Freaky Friday, Just Like Heaven, and shows like Modern Family, Frasier, Greg the Bunny, and more! In addition we have the D-Team here with Erin reaching into the virtual mailbag and answering your questions in I Want To Know. And Lexie, our D-Team member from down under is back with the Hollywood Walk as she goes deeper into the career of our guest Dina Waters. We have a wide arrange of news hot off the D-Wire, and all kinds of spookiness, halloween memories, and more to celebrate the season! So it's time to Put on Your Ears, Give it a Little Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo, and get ready to Relive the Magic, Memories and Appreciation from Your Lifetime of Disney with our New Kind of Disney Show!