It's Time D-Heads! In the heart of summer what can you do to cool off, why head to Halloweentown! you may recall our first trip there last year and now we have J. PAUL ZIMMERMAN stopping into the show! You may recall J. Paul from every Halloweentown film as the fun brother Dylan. He is going to stop in and talk about getting into the business, halloween, the shining, what he's up to now and more! In addition we have the D-Team back as Erin stops in answering more of your questions in I Want To Know. And our Aussie Lexie comes back with more on our special guest this week as she heads to Hollywood and Randy is here with more on Disney's latest Multi-Media. There is a lot going on hot off the D-Wire in news this week and all kinds of fun as we announce some new D-Team coming soon, contests and more. So it's time to Put on Your Ears, Give it a Little Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo, and get ready to Relive the Magic, Memories and Appreciation from Your Lifetime of Disney with our New Kind of Disney Show!