The Disgruntled Millennial” fills in for Kevin Jackson: FOX News Contributor, bestselling author, syndicated radio show host, nationally known speaker and a rising star in political circles.


H1S1 – My Red Pill Experience

H1S2 –  My Corrupt Leftist Family

H1S3 – Leftists Ruin Halloween (and everything else they touch)

H1S4 – Leftists Ruin Disney (and everything else they touch)


H2S1 – Colin Flaherty: Don’t Make The Black Kids Angry

H2S2 – Colin Flaherty: White Girl Bleed A Lot

H2S3 – Colin Flaherty: Media Lies and Deception

H2S4 – Colin Flaherty: Affirmative Action for Dummy’s


H3S1 – The Santa Shooter: Leftist Leave Black Heroes Defenseless

H3S2 – The Santa Shooter: “Gun Control” Arms Bad Guys

H3S3 – The Santa Shooter Takes The Red Pill

H3S4 –  Terrorism In NYC: Liberals Brace for “Islamophobia”


Send All Hate Mail To The Disgruntled Millennial

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