The Disgruntled Millennial” fills in for Kevin Jackson: FOX News Contributor, bestselling author, syndicated radio show host, nationally known speaker and a rising star in political circles.

H1S1 – My apology.

H1S2 – Mark Zuckerberg hates me.

              How Facebook Censors Conservatives and how I take the high road

H1S3 – There is no such thing as “YOUR Truth”

H1S4 – Coexist with Liberals?

              Is it possible to coexist with people who hate you?

H2S1 – Kevin Jackson, A Race Pimps Worst Nightmare

H2S2 – Is Divisiveness good? 

              In certain cases, absolutely.

H2S3 - Is Divisiveness good? Part 2

H2S4 – Democrat “Former Slave Owners” Appropriate Martin Luther King Day.

              Race Pimps love to do the Macarena on MLK

H3S1 – Leftists on Donald Trumps Health: His Doctor

H3S2 – The Death Rattle of the Women’s March

H3S3 – LGB and T: Natural Enemies & No Women in Waste Management

              There is such a thing as “Man-ness” and “Woman-ness”

H3S4 – Feminism Hurts Woman


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