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*NOTHING IN THIS VIDEO IS LEGAL ADVICE. I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how this is going to go down. Just an interested party covering DMCA. Check out HoegLaw for the deets from a real attorney.*

I can't believe the new meta on Twitch is watching full movies and episodic content. When I first saw this, I thought streamers had gotten access to some public domain videos or some new kind of movie privileges or something. I couldn't believe that it's just streamers ignoring DMCA and streaming full episodes and movies on their Twitch channels.

This is just such a bad development for the website overall. It's horrible for all broadcasters, Twitch streamers, and Twitch as a platform. I don't like making videos like this but broadcasters should absolutely stop doing this. This video talks about Twitch DMCA, streamers getting banned for DMCA, and bans for DMCA on Twitch.

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