Our full panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles), Rachael Clow (Biology PhD candidate), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Spawn On Me Cast) — returns to discuss the re-emergence of a major series character to the cast of the show, while also diving deeper into the 23rd century machinations of Stafleet's covert intelligence agency, Section 31! In addition to all the issues surrounding the mycelial network coming to a head, Section 31 takes its most active role yet in the affairs of the Discovery and the Federation in the second season's fifth episode, "Saints of Imperfection!"

Plus, the panel discusses some of the latest STAR TREK franchise news, including new nuggets of information concerning the return of JEAN-LUC PICARD, as well as whether or not we could be seeing the fabled ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE either in DISCOVERY itself, or the Picard series.

Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.


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