3 on a Meathook (1972), Grizzly (1976), & Day of the Animals (1977). Director William Girdler is a name that some horror fans might know some of his work, but probably don't know a lot about the man himself, or maybe don't realize how many great films he produced in a very short time, before his untimely death. 9 movies in only 6 years, and one of them being the most successful independent film for the time, which head that record until John Carpenter's Halloween (1978). In this episode we cover one of his earlier films, as well as two of his most popular ones, or ones that might be more familiar with your average fan. But we invite you to listen up and even rewatch them and see if you don't agree with us that William Girdler was much more than a low budget independent filmmaker, but one that consentantly turned out entertaining picutres.

Titles mentioned in this episode:

3 on a Meathook (1972), Abby (1974), The Adventures of the Wilderness Family (1975), Airplane (1980), Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Asylum of Satan (1972), Day of the Animals (1977), Evils of the Night (1985), The Exorcist (1973), Gator (1976), Grizzly (1976), Jaws (1975), Halloween (1978), Laserblast (1979), Last Shark (1981), Mako: Jaws of Death (1976), The Manitou (1978), Orca (1977), Q: The Winged Serpent (1982), Roar (1981), Swiss Family Robinson (1960), Tentacles (1977), A Thing with Two Heads (1972), Tintorera: Killer Shark (1977), A Touch of Satan (1971), Wild Beasts (1984), Zebra Killer (1974)