Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind artwork

Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind

66 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago -

Do you want to discover the subconscious potential of your mind and uncover the love in all your relationships? Join Belief Change Coach and Relationship Coach Angelika Baum on a variety of life, health and relationship topics or for a brief morning meditation.

Alternative Health Health & Fitness subconscious beliefs relationships love belief changes life coaching happiness health marriage
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What Is Your Most Important Role in Your Partner's Life?

February 26, 2023 18:28 - 27 minutes - 23.1 MB

There is one thing you can do that will make the most impact on your partner's personal growth and, by extension, your marriage or relationship. Join Dave Anderson and me on this chat about the most important role we have in our partner's life.

Marriage After Having a Baby

October 18, 2022 02:30 - 41 minutes - 33.8 MB

Many couples wonder if their marriage can and will stay the same after they have had a baby. This is a completely new phase in the marriage, and the couple's relationship is also undergoing a rebirth. New parents need skills to cope with the changes and keep their marriage strong. Join me and Dave Anderson, a father of three kids under seven, for a chat about marriage after children.

How to Develop Secure Attachment Skills as an Adult

June 03, 2022 00:00 - 38 minutes - 31.3 MB

Join Dave Anderson and me (Angelika Baum) as we chat about the main attachment styles, how they affect us as adults, and how we can learn secure attachment skills in adulthood to create stronger and more resilient love relationships and marriages.

2018-03-20 Spring Equinox Meditation

March 18, 2022 20:31 - 29 minutes - 24.9 MB

Spring Equinox is the time of new birth and renewal. It is the optimum time to plant a personal garden within your being, to make a new start, to create an image in your mind of what you want to see in your life. In this 25 minute long meditation you will be setting clear intentions so you can manifest the future you want to have.

Let's Talk More About Relationships

March 02, 2022 18:46 - 28 minutes - 23.6 MB

Dave S. Anderson as the guest host is chatting with Angelika about her blogs "Why It Is a Bad Idea to Argue with Your Partner About Who Remembers Things Right" and "How to Give a Heartfelt Apology".

Let's Talk About Creating a Powerful Life Partnership

December 12, 2021 12:35 - 25 minutes - 21.1 MB

Join Dave Anderson and me for a chat on committed long-term relationships. More and more couples realize how smart it is to create a solid foundation for their long-term relationship or marriage. They want to learn and establish habits of successful couples, for example how to have productive conflicts, how to move beyond right and wrong, and how to show up as a strong team with each other from the start.

Meditation to Release Resentments

November 28, 2021 17:15 - 13 minutes - 11.4 MB

Are you holding on to old resentments that are affecting your relationships? Here is one way to release and let go.

2017-12-31 Meditation - Letter From Your Future Self

July 18, 2021 12:35 - 13 minutes - 12.3 MB

To manifest the New Year that we want to experience, we need to be able to envision and feel it. This meditation prepares you for writing a letter of gratitude from the perspective of your future self. Your future self is one year older and is looking back onto everything that you have created in 2018.

2018-02-26 Meditation - Embracing Imperfection

July 18, 2021 12:30 - 16 minutes - 14.4 MB

We all have a part inside of us that is called the “perfectionist”. In this meditation today, we are going to acknowledge our inner perfectionist voice, and we will also create some separation from this part by affirming beliefs that allow us to be more comfortable with imperfection and mistakes.

2017-11-27 Meditation - Claiming My Power

July 18, 2021 12:20 - 10 minutes - 9.8 MB

We give our power away in different ways; sometimes to substances or activities, or by blaming others and seeing ourselves as victims, or by pleasing others and ignoring our own needs. Join me in this meditation to let go of dependencies and reclaiming your power to set yourself free.

MEDITATION - Understanding Your Triggers

July 18, 2021 12:00 - 21 minutes - 18.3 MB

We all have parts in us which respond and react when they perceive the possibility of us getting hurt. That could be an angry part, or a defensive reaction, or the impulse to run. We often try to get rid of these responses or to suppress them. However, it is not possible to get rid of energy. We can, however, change triggers by understanding these parts, that keep us safe. They are our protectors. We want to establish a relationship with them, so that we can begin to understand what more vuln...

2017-12-18 Meditation - Healing Waters

July 18, 2021 11:50 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

Sometimes we experience struggles or heartache. Life wears us down and we allow our protective shields to become thin. In today’s meditation you will be able to wash off all the troubles and turmoil and strengthen your energetic shield again.

2018-05-28 Meditation - Parenting My Inner Children

August 08, 2020 13:47 - 20 minutes - 16.9 MB

When we speak of the concept of the Inner Child, what we are referring to are different aspects of that part. We can also look at it as a group of children of different ages. There is the scared child, the shy child, the shameful child, the sad child, the angry child, the forgotten child and other aspects of our child, but also the playful child, the curious child, the proud child, the creative child and so on. In this meditation you will connect with several of your inner children and lovin...

2017-12-04 Meditation - Worry Tree

July 20, 2020 21:59 - 11 minutes - 9.74 MB

The Worry Tree accepts it all; all you worries, stresses and problems. Join me together with your child in letting go of anything that you don't want to carry anymore.

MEDITATION Releasing Fears and Quieting Your Mind

March 17, 2020 23:00 - 28 minutes - 22.9 MB

At this challenging time as the world is moving through the outbreaks of COVID-19, we need to keep our immune systems strong and healthy. Stress, anxiety and panic have a negative impact on our immune system. While fear is the enemy of immunity, meditation can be one of our best friends. Join me for this meditation to release fears, quiet your mind and boost your immune system.

Steps to a Happy Healthy Heart

February 09, 2020 21:00 - 27 minutes - 22.6 MB

February is heart month and with today’s episode we want to bring some awareness to what to do to keep our heart happy and healthy. My colleague, Naturopathic Doctor Felicia Assenza, and I are talking about gratitude, exercise, food and connections.

The Placebo and the Nocebo Effect

January 27, 2020 19:45 - 26 minutes - 22.1 MB

The placebo effect is defined as a measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behaviour that arises from the patient's expectations concerning an inactive substance—like a sugar pill, distilled water, or saline solution—or a “fake” treatment rather than from the substance or treatment itself. The nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect. The nocebo effect occurs when the mind is engaged in negative beliefs and self-suggestions that damage the health of the person. Bo...

MEDITATION Becoming Your Favourite Tree

December 04, 2019 18:42 - 9 minutes - 7.79 MB

Grounding helps us to be less tensed, stressed and anxious. By doing a grounding meditation or grounding outside in nature, we reconnect and realign ourselves with the earth and are able to be more centred and balanced. We are feeling more relaxed, stronger and calmer. Grounding increases our mental, emotional and physical well being. Inner peace, focus, vitality and health, are all benefits of allowing ourselves to be grounded in the earth.

2017-12-22 Meditation - Winter Solstice

December 04, 2019 18:40 - 10 minutes - 8.9 MB

The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This is the season to go inwards, to become reflective, to allow ourselves to stop, and to design the new year to come. The winter solstice is an invitation to surrender into being, to accept the darkness—inside ourselves and others—and to plant our seeds of intention for the new year that lies ahead. You might want to sit in a dark room, and light a candle for this meditation. You can focus on the flame of the cand...

A Child's Theory of the World

December 02, 2019 16:00 - 30 minutes - 24.6 MB

In this episode I am interviewing Sheila Sims, the founder of "All of Me Counts". Sheila is a certified teacher with 18 years of experience. All of Me Counts provides resources and services for kids, parents, educators, and organizations to help kids access their best self. Sheila works with an Inside Out Approach. This "inside-out" approach is based on the simple premise that what a child is experiencing on the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside. Every child has their own u...

The Mind Body Connection

November 18, 2019 20:45 - 33 minutes - 27 MB

Instead of thinking of physical, emotional and mental health as being separate, they should be viewed as interrelated aspects along the same continuum. To illustrate this concept, we are looking at injuries and health issues under a different lens in this episode. Join me and my affiliate Andy Schmalz for a talk about the interconnection of physical issues with emotional and mental ones.

What is PSYCH-K® and Shadow Energetics©?”

April 21, 2019 22:35 - 24 minutes - 20.2 MB

Our subconscious beliefs determine how we see ourselves and other people and how we experience the world in general. Our beliefs become our template for how we live life and what we are able to manifest in regards to our career, our health, and our relationships. How can we use the power of our mind to our advantage? PSYCH-K® and Shadow Energetics are two extremely effective energy psychology techniques that allow us to work with the subconscious mind and to change our beliefs, our emotions a...

MEDITATION Spring Equinox & Full Moon

March 20, 2019 15:12 - 21 minutes - 17.1 MB

Spring Equinox is the season of birth and renewal. It’s the optimal time to set intentions and to plant your personal inner garden, to make a new start and to create what you want to see in your life. The full moon, especially this super moon, with its intense amount of energy, is also the perfect time for releasing the old and for manifesting the new. It is a time to let go, to release any attachments and resistance and to draw in the new.

When Life Hands You Lemons

March 02, 2019 11:00 - 23 minutes - 18.6 MB

In today’s episode, I am talking with Dhebi DeWitz from the Heart and Soul Academy about reframing. What can we do when other people trigger us? We can’t change other people or what is happening outside of us but we have the option to change how we let others affect us by reframing our perspective.

How Do I Accurately Assess a Potential Romantic Partner?

February 08, 2019 23:00 - 27 minutes - 22 MB

Why is it so tempting to rush into a new relationship when one ends? What is required to assess another person realistically and minimize repeating heartbreak and disappointment?


February 01, 2019 01:00 - 30 minutes - 25 MB

Jealousy is the fear that a special relationship we have with somebody is threatened. We fear that our partner, family member or friend will form a closer relationship with someone else and that we will be excluded or abandoned. Jealousy can be understood based on our evolutionary history as humans and our own personal past experiences. How can we work through feelings of jealousy?

Can I Come in with My New Girlfriend?

December 19, 2018 10:00 - 26 minutes - 21.3 MB

Relationship coaching can help you and your new love to learn to communicate about challenging topics and to learn to hold each other in those vulnerable moments we all experience. What kind of topics can we explore at the start of a relationship either with a coach or by ourselves?


December 05, 2018 15:11 - 10 minutes - 8.63 MB

Have you ever noticed how a sloth seems to move in slow motion? We as humans, on the other hand, rush around so much that we often forget how to take it slow. In this simple ten minute meditation you are guided to slow down and be present.

You Just Don’t Understand

November 24, 2018 17:12 - 25 minutes - 20.9 MB

Do you feel more comfortable talking at home with your loved ones, or do you enjoy talking in public settings where there are lots of people around? Have you ever found yourself nagging your partner to do something? What is the main purpose of sharing our emotional troubles with someone? The answer might vary whether you are a man or a woman. Men and women are still socialized differently and instead of different dialects they end up speak different genderlects. The key to better communicatio...

Relationship MEDITATION

November 06, 2018 00:30 - 15 minutes - 12.5 MB

We all live in relationships, whether with a partner, with our parents or siblings, with children or with co-workers. Some relationships flow easily and the energy feels just right, other relationships are disharmonious or more challenging… there are mild irritations or sometimes even real conflicts. Today, we are going to meditate on a relationship. I invite you to pick one relationship to take a closer look at, one where there is a mild annoyance or small issues to resolve and you will hav...

Only Over My Dead Body

October 05, 2018 16:50 - 18 minutes - 15.1 MB

When we are in a relationship, we often give up certain parts of us which seem to be threatening to the relationship. David loves motorcycles but Lisa is afraid of him having an accident. Lisa on the other hand loves dogs but David dislikes them. In order to be together, David has exiled his freedom loving part that wants to ride a bike, and Lisa has exiled her pet loving part that wants to get a dog. If there continues to be no room in their life for these parts, this can sabotage the relati...

Key Ingredients to Meaningful Relationships

September 24, 2018 23:00 - 56 minutes - 45.4 MB

What constitutes happiness for you? And where do your personal and professional relationships rank when it comes to happiness and success? My co-facilitator and fellow coach Patrick Rhein and I would like to invite you to consider that creating a relationship is like preparing a great dish. There are certain basic ingredients that every relationship needs. On top of those components, there are other ingredients and spices you can add to make a relationship better and individualize it to tas...

What Would Your Inner Champion Say?

August 15, 2018 22:07 - 24 minutes - 19.4 MB

We all have a nagging voice inside which puts us down and makes us feel not good enough: our Inner Critic. We can distinguish between different types of Inner Critics and based on the type develop a loving voice as an antidote. The answer to the harsh and shaming Inner Critic voice is an Inner Champion voice. The Champion supports us in being ourselves and in feeling good about ourselves. It lifts our self-esteem and self-confidence. It makes us feel loved and good enough. The Inner Champion ...

MEDITATION to Awaken Your Inner Champion

August 15, 2018 22:07 - 12 minutes - 9.99 MB

We all have an Inner Critic inside of us that nags, puts us down and makes us feel not good enough. A powerful antidote to the harsh and shaming Inner Critic voice is a loving parental voice inside, an Inner Champion. This meditation which is based on a meditation idea by Jay Earley and Bonnie Weiss will help you to find and cultivate a loving and compassionate voice inside.

Why Do I Feel Stuck?

July 01, 2018 17:30 - 24 minutes - 20 MB

Do you feel stuck? Helen got the opportunity to do a creative video project. She was excited. Yet, instead of starting to work on it, she cleaned up the entire house first. Then she started cooking a meal. Then she thought she should return some phone calls. She realized she was procrastinating. Does this sound familiar to you at all? IFS (Internal Family Systems) is a way to work from Self (your spiritual core) to transform and unburden parts in order to shift and become unstuck. If you wa...

I Don't Trust You

May 26, 2018 01:00 - 46 minutes - 37.5 MB

While you can’t have relationships without disappointments, you cannot have a solid love relationship without trust. How does mistrust enter into our relationships, how do we decide whether to go or stay in the relationship and if we decide to stay, how do we rebuild the trust again?

2018-05-07 Being State MEDITATION

May 07, 2018 10:00 - 10 minutes - 8.4 MB

This meditation was created by my friend Darryl Gurney. It has the purpose to experience yourself different from your physical form, different from what we are identified with. It gives you a taste of being more than a physical being, more than the different roles we all play. It is an opportunity to connect to unity and to being all one.

How Limiting Relationship Beliefs and Skills Affect Us

April 29, 2018 14:00 - 15 minutes - 13 MB

What determines whether we can create a safe and happy long-term relationship with our partner? How do our subconscious beliefs and missing relationship skills affect our partnerships? Some conclusions about love and relationships we might have drawn as we were growing up are, “I will always be alone and no one will ever be there for me”, or “I will never be good enough”, or “I cannot have my needs met in any relationship”, or “Once, there is a conflict, that’s the beginning of the end, and I...

Why We Judge Our Parents

April 14, 2018 20:00 - 14 minutes - 12.3 MB

What is going on when our children seem judgmental of some of the things we do? As parents, we act as mirrors to them, just as they are reflections for us. It is uncomfortable to be at the receiving end of their projections but we need to keep in mind that this is not about us, as much as it feels that way, but it is about what our children have learned to disown; and we may even have taught them to disown that particular trait or energy. Disowned parts we haven’t integrated can also show up ...

2018-03-14 Meditation - I Love My Body

March 14, 2018 17:35 - 15 minutes - 12.7 MB

Loving our body does not just mean we give it the food and exercise it needs. I means we think and speak to it in a kind and loving manner. We appreciate it for it’s beauty and it’s service to us. Our body is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every part of our being, every cell in our body responds to every thought we think and every word we speak. Join me in this meditation to love and appreciate your body more.

A Love Bank Love Story

March 07, 2018 01:30 - 18 minutes - 15.2 MB

Figuratively speaking, everyone has an inner “Love Bank”. When somebody is associated with good feelings, "love units" are deposited into those emotional accounts, and when he or she is associated with painful experiences, love units are withdrawn. Hurtful experiences with others trigger our nervous system into fight, flight or freeze. Those experiences of being triggered into fight or flight put strain on a relationship. The concept of the love bank helps us to understand how to make sure pa...

The Five Love Languages

February 14, 2018 23:30 - 14 minutes - 11.7 MB

Do you sometimes wonder if your partner really loves you because he or she doesn't seem to express it? The truth is that there is no right way to express love. There are five love languages we all use for connection, some with more skill and enjoyment, others with less. We can learn to speak our partner's primary language(s) of affection to strengthen our relationship.

2018-02-12 MEDITATION Non-Attachment

February 11, 2018 16:58 - 13 minutes - 11.1 MB

Where in your life are you attached to people and their choices, to situations unfolding a certain way, to emotions or to food/substances? I invite you to join me on a meditation to release these attachments, reclaim your energy and to surrender to everything unfolding perfectly.

Paul Married Alice - Is There a Perfect Match?

February 10, 2018 00:00 - 9 minutes - 7.98 MB

Have you ever wondered whether your partner is “just not a good match” for you? Is there such a thing as the perfect match, and if so how does that look?

2018-01-29 Meditation - Staying Open to Criticism

January 29, 2018 11:00 - 15 minutes - 13 MB

It is not always easy to respond to criticism without defensiveness and to stay open to hearing the complaint or the longing of the other person underneath their critical words. When somebody sets off our danger cues through criticism, we experience a physical and emotional constriction. In this meditation we will practice breathing through this constriction and managing our thoughts so that we can be more open to the needs our loved ones have to share.

2018-01-22 Meditation - Hello, Old Pal Anxiety

January 22, 2018 11:00 - 16 minutes - 13.6 MB

The attempt to make anxiety go away is what traps us in it but we can learn to be with it and ride it out. Join me on this meditation to experience uncertainty as a sanctuary of possibilities. We can ask ourselves what we can choose in an anxiety provoking situation. What can we bring to the situation? How do we want to show up?

Clearing Your Relationship Baggage - PART 1 & 2

January 15, 2018 23:00 - 29 minutes - 23.9 MB

We we often live one relationship after the next with the same patterns and issues. The reason for that is that we don’t learn how to complete relationships that end and therefore we carry the unresolved emotions forward into the future. Before we can complete our relationships we need to discover the patterns, the unresolved emotions and limiting beliefs we learned during previous relationships. Join me to learn how to discover your patterns.

2018-01-08 Meditation - Going with the Flow

January 08, 2018 11:00 - 18 minutes - 14.9 MB

It is quite easy to see “going with a flow” as a call to inactivity, inaction or laziness, waiting for things to fall into our lap, or making the choice not to make a choice. But that is not what the spiritual principle is about. Going with the flow can mean accepting a painful experience and letting go of the hurt but not of the lesson the other person has taught you. Truly going with the flow is about listening to your intuition and following a call to action. Join me in this meditation to ...

2017-12-10 Meditation - Dream Messages

December 10, 2017 23:00 - 12 minutes - 10.6 MB

This is an evening meditation, or a meditation you can listen to during the day. Your subconscious mind and higher self are trying to communicate with you through your dreams. This meditation helps you to set the intention to remember your dreams and to listen to the messages of those dreams.

Do You Trust Me?

December 08, 2017 20:30 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

To trust means to place our faith or confidence in something unknown. What and who we trust today is quite different from where we used to place our trust in the past. What key components does trustworthiness have and how do these components affect our relationships, especially our love relationships?