Jonah welcomes you to the new year and new plans for Discourse in Magic in 2022

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Jonah welcomes you to the new year and new plans for Discourse in Magic in 2022.

Whether you are using your magic to perform full-time, are just wanting to perform for friends, or get better at magic, the thing that’s in common between anybody listening to this podcast is we are trying to get better, trying to perform better, and trying to make better magic, trying to make more money, and trying to run a better business. So this year we wanted to update you on some of the projects that are coming your way. 

Less Interviews, More Content

Jonah has interviewed a LOT of people on Discourse in Magic and only has a handful of remaining people that he really, really needs to interview. But that doesn’t mean the podcast is going anywhere just yet and we do have some important people that we’re excited to share. This means you should expect less interviews than last year, probably about two a month. But that is because we are making room for growth and there’s going to be two main focuses.

Growing Your Business

The first is going to be about business. As you know, Jonah runs two different coaching programs. One for people who are getting their magic businesses started by trying to get to earning $3,000 to $5,000 a month. And another one for people who are trying to explode and scale their magic business, like six figures and beyond. And over the course of the past couple years, Jonah has learned a lot and he wants you to learn a ton too. So, every month you are going to get some education that comes right from the coaching programs and the ways that Jonah is helping magicians right now to make money. 

And if you’re thinking that you’re not really into doing magic for the money and you just want to perform more, do more magic, and perform better then the good news is that we are so pumped to share with you that we are going to be doing that thanks to new content from Ben Train.

Growing Your Magic

Ben Train is going to also share with you a once a month education series for you on growing your magic performance. These clips will be coming from live training sessions that we are going to be doing, where you can ask questions and actually work on different parts of your magic. Such as getting prepared for shows, getting prepared to perform for good audiences, scripting your magic, making your magic better, working on the methods, and so on. 

If that sounds exciting for you, then hit updates on this very site and sign up for the newsletter, because that is where you’re going to be invited to be a part of all of this fun and will be invited to be a part of these podcast episodes that are recorded and released later. 

Stay Tuned For A Sample

To whet your appetite for the new style of the podcast, Jonah also offers up two micro lessons in this episode to help you build on your magic business and magic performance. How do you price your shows? And what is the most important thing to focus on during your rehearsals? Make sure you listen to the end of this episode to hear Jonah’s tips for you.

We are excited to have you all here, and happy 2022. And we hope you look forward to the next series of episodes this month and next which will help you with your magic business and to help you get performance ready and perform for more people more often.

The post New Year, New Podcast appeared first on Discourse in Magic.