Amazon claims to be able to cover 90% of the US with its Echo and Ring devices - is this a connected utopia or a data privacy hell?

With Amazon Sidewalk on the way and the recent merger with iRobot, we’re one step closer to every house’s inner workings being detailed by our ‘Amazon overlords’, as Jag Sharma might call them…

On Disconnected, Jag considers how Jeff Bezos’ titan company is continuing its dominant path, and Jason Kapadia - resident Elon expert - takes us through the conundrum that is Twitter’s multi-coloured check marks.

This episode of Disconnected covers:

Twitter’s ‘verified’ check marks of various colours and costsOpen sourcing the Twitter algorithm to see its biasesAmazon Sidewalk’s promise to connect 90% of AmericaThe recent Amazon purchase of iRobot, and what data Roombas might learn and use