We decided to crack open the black metal coconut by digging into some Crimson Moonlight.  Crimson Moonlight is one of the best black metal bands that you’ve probably never heard because of their religious affiliations.  Don't let this dissuade you, and in this episode we are going to explain exactly why. Check it out! #discussmetal #CrimsonMoonlight

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Album of the week
Dan - Death “Human”
Joe - Sevendust “Blood & Stone”
Jon - Aaliyah “Aaliyah”

Media Mentioned In This Episode:
Patreon Review 129: Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism by Napalm Death - https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-review-43429833
Episode 204: Living Sacrifice Revisited - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast204

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