Tantrum of the Muse was undoubtedly one of the most insane and controversial bands to come out of the Christian heavy music scene in the late 90s and early 2000s. Stephen Sarro, the man behind Tantrum of the Muse, and Unteachers, sits down with Dan to discuss the history of TOTM and the formation of Unteachers. They also discuss what it was like growing up in the Christian music scene and try to get to the bottom of some of the craziest rumors that have been passed around for years concerning the band’s behavior on tour. You’ll want to grab a drink and some popcorn for this one. #discussmetal #Unteachers #StephenSarro

Stephen Sarro and his music can be found on bandcamp at the links below:
Tourist Trap Media - https://touristtrapmedia.bandcamp.com
Unteachers - https://unteachers.bandcamp.com
Tantrum Of The Muse - https://tantrumofthemuse.bandcamp.com

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