In which Joe and Jason both gradually convince each other that Star Trek Discovery is picking up the unresolved thread of the Temporal Cold War from Star Trek: Enterprise.   The Discovery encounters a time rift above Kaminar, so Captain Pike and our man Voq decide to fly into it. This yields mixed results. They don't die, but they are attacked by a Sentinel from 1999's The Matrix. Burnham misses it all because she's home on Vulcan in the middle of some serious family drama, where Amanda has been secretly hiding Spock for God knows how long. Sarek tells Burnham to turn him into Section 31, but Emperor Georgiou says that's a bad move and helps her escape. So instead, they set course for to Talos IV.    Directed by Marta Cunningham, and written by Ted Sullivan and Vaun Wilmott, "Light and Shadows" first aired on February 28th, 2019.