Discern Daily
Ep. 5 – Interviewing Jonathan Hayashi on His New Book Ordinary Radicals
On this episode of Discern Daily, Jonathan Hayashi and I discuss his brand new book on discipleship, titled, Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship.

Jonathan and I have become great friends this year. We first met on Twitter (follow him here). After the first few conversations I was able to have with him, I knew we could work together and begin a growing friendship. In fact, he is beginning to work with us at The Majesty’s Men, which I’m totally stoked about. I have nothing but good things to say about Jonathan, and I hope you will be encouraged by his latest work.

Before you watch the episode, I must apologize for the video quality. It is rather terrible. If you’re like me, it’s easy to skip a video because of it’s poor quality. Bear with me! Play the audio alone if you have to. There’s a lot of good content worth listening to. Let’s seek the truth together.

My Favorite Quotes from the Book
I want to share my favorite quotes from Jonathan’s book with you. I’ll provide one quote from every chapter. Ordinary Radicals is filled with solid, tweet-able thoughts. Each of these are the ones that resonated with me the most. Feel free to tweet away!

“Many pastors think their greatest impact comes from preaching to many. Not true. Our greatest impact is in discipling a few. Jesus did life with the disciples in close proximity. You won’t create radical disciples from a pulpit; you’ll only create an audience. You must walk closely with people.” (Chapter 1, section 5, paragraph 3.)

“Being a Christian today sadly has no connection with being formed into the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). The apostle Paul constantly reflected on his example and his walk. He said that what others saw in him, they were to pass on to others (Phil. 4:9).” (Chapter 2, section 2, paragraph 3.)

“One living demonstration of the gospel is far better than a hundred explanations of many sermons.” (Chapter 3, section 6, paragraph 2.)

“Radical discipleship takes place in a relational environment where people feel comfortable exploring their personal and spiritual issues and learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus.” (Chapter 4, section 4, paragraph 2.)

“When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that He didn’t draw large crowds for the sake of counting heads or logging attendance. He never gauged effectiveness by nickels and noses. Therefore, the goal of the church should not be to build a megachurch. The end goal is to build a healthy church with mature believers.” (Chapter 5, section 4, paragraph 3.)

“Relationships take time, but we don’t want to take the time. In reality, too busy is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them.” (Chapter 6, section 4, paragraph 6.)

“The church is filled with people who think they are participating in the mission while binge-watching from the sidelines and criticizing how others are making disciples.” (Chapter 7, section 2, paragraph 3.)

“Your success as a disciple of Christ is not something you do; it is someone you disciple to also become a disciple-maker.” (Chapter 8, section 9, paragraph 3.)
Get the Book
Pick up a copy of Ordinary Radicals right here and read it!

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