Discern Daily
Ep. 36 - Revival Starts With Us
As tempting as it is to complain about how much our country needs a revival, we must ask ourselves whether or not we need revived by God. Revival starts with the Church. On this episode, we are highlighting a fantastic article by Obbie Todd, titled, "Waiting for a Revival." Let's go!

Quotes From Obbie Todd
"The people of God in America continue to hope for, and pray for, a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. While the expectation for revival hasn’t changed, the way in which Americans expect God to bring revival has gradually altered through the years. For centuries, revival was something that began with the people of God, not the country itself."

"Today, however, when Christians anticipate revival, many of them seem to expect God to reform American culture before he reforms the church."

"It is simply not enough to 'pray for a revival' if we believe that somehow God should reveal to our enemies their sin before He reveals to us the gravity of our own. Indeed, the church has nothing to offer the world unless it is changed by the gospel it proclaims. Reform begins in the church, not the culture."

Read Obbie Todd's full article here.