Discern Daily
Ep. 23 - Helpful Thoughts on Prayer
On this episode, we walked through three sections of a great post found on Focus on the Family, titled, "Seeking God in Prayer." If you're new to praying, this episode will give you a great starting point. If you know someone who is new to praying, this can be a beneficial resource to share with them. If you're already a prayer warrior, you'll find great reminders here.

Quotes Via Focus On The Family
[On "P.R.A.Y." as an acronym to guide us in our prayers]

"Praise: We're to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise (see Psalm 100:4). Sit quietly and thank God for who He is and what He has done."

"Repent: A sober reminder comes from Psalm 66:18: 'If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.' A spiritual cleansing is needed in order to come nearer to the throne of God."

"Access: We're not telling God anything new — 'All my longings lie open before you, O Lord: my sighing is not hidden from you' (Psalm 38:9). Even so, He gives us access to talk to Him about our needs and frustrations."

"Yield: The fact that we have brought our prayer list before God indicates our trust that He will, in His time and in His way, show us the way we should go (see Psalm 143:8)."

[On various postures to take during prayer]

"Kneeling shows God that you are entering into His presence or asking Him for something."

"Standing shows God that you are ready for 'marching orders.'"

"Walking shows God that you are 'on the move' for Him, ready for His battle plans."

"Bowing shows God that you honor Him and feel humble because of who He is."

"Prostrate, lying flat on your face or back, shows God that you are in awe of Him and are desperate and hungry for Him to come and be with you."

"Uplifted hands show God that you are reaching toward Him — in praise or asking for something with arms open to receive it."

[On designating specific places for intentional prayer]

"There may be an actual closet that you can make your own, a space that's now packed with boxes of old photos, blankets and craft supplies. Soon all the boxes and cartons will find new homes. Before long you will begin to feel God's pleasure at having made Him a sole priority in this area of my home."

View the full post on Focus on the Family here.
Episode Highlights
We must not see prayer as just a spiritual discipline — it's so good for us.

Even though we understand that God is all-knowing, and his will will be done, we still need to ask God for things.

The Bible does not teach that we must enter a physical posture in order for God to hear our prayers. However, we must worship in spirit and truth. It's beneficial to engage our entire being in prayer.

Prayer can take place anywhere, anytime, but it's holy and fruitful to designate specific places to pray routinely and intentionally.
Share Your Thoughts
Did you find the post, "Seeking God in Prayer," from Focus on the Family beneficial? What are some challenges you face in praying consistently? What advice would you give to others on prayer? Leave a comment below and share this episode on social media.