I've been playing for a little bit under a year and when I first started, I would throw mostly nose up. I worked hard on fixing that and now the majority of the time I throw nose down. My issue now is that I tend to release most of my throws with a low angle of trajectory (closer to the ground vs up to the sky). They tend to not go above 8-10 feet off the ground but when I watch pros they seem to throw really high into the sky and still manage to get really good distance. Would their throws be further if they threw them with a lower trajectory? Or is the slightly raised trajectory needed for further distance? What are the pros and cons for different angles of trajectory?


Been using a prototype putter for a few weeks now. The disc was approved by the PDGA this week. Will I be able to use my prototypes in a sanctioned tournament or do I have to purchase and use the actual named disc once they become available for purchase?


Hi DGAMily FAMily! Recently, my daughter was in a local b tier tourney. Lots of pros showed up and it was a huge event (230+ entries). Issues started to arise from the first email from the TD. Had issues with Caddy books, typos on rules in the book, and even issues with the payouts! My question: does the pdga accept feedback in regards to TDs? Are they certain guidlines a TD is to follow or is it a free for all? The easy answer would be to just keep an eye out for this guys tourneys and not play them. What are your thoughts?


I've been playing disc golf for a little under a year, and my game is progressing nicely (thanks to you guys). One thing I've been having issues with is judging the distance-to-basket, during disc selection. Do any of you use (or recommend) rangefinders during a round, or do most people simply "feel" the distance through experience?


Hey guys, I had a quick question about the lucid x tour series discs. What qualifies a Dynamic Discs team member to be able to have a tour series disc in the lucid x plastic? Does a player have to play really well in tournaments or something like that? One of the main players that made me think this was Chris Clemons. Is there not a specific disc he would want in the lucid x plastic or does he just not have the opportunity right now to have a tour series disc? Just curious because if he had a tour series disc I would buy like 5 of them because he is my favorite player.


I am starting a new job at a higher elevation (4500 ish) area and want to keep playing. I play an occasional tournament at lower elevation (300 ft.). I am still pretty new. Throwing fairway drivers around 300 ft. Should i build a different bag for higher elevation and a separate for lower? How much of a difference will this elevation affect my disc's?


My question is in regards to putting stance. In preparation to make the jump to advanced this next season, I have spent the off-season really trying to get consistent 35-50ft putts. In doing so, I realized that I really like the way step putting feels. Obviously, I can't step putt in the circle but I wanted to try and recreate that as best as I could for my C1 putting. This caused me to look at a staggered stance with my left foot forward rather than the traditional right foot forward. I have been putting with it for a month-ish now and l love it, hitting around 90% of my c1 putts in casual rounds! Is there a reason why most right-handed players go right foot forward? I know comfort is the first answer that comes to mind but is that the only reason?


I was just watching USDGC Final Round first hole on Jomez and Nate Sexton has a putt from OB. In the commentary he says he wishes he could have taken a knee to make the putt but there was thorns on the ground. Could he have put a towel or a pad on the ground to alleviate the thorns or is this against the rules?


Hey DGAM crew! Love the podcast and am learning lots from listening to older episodes. I am a fairly new player (started in October) and am having trouble with tunnel holes.


I was wondering what you aim for on these type of holes. Do you focus on the basket or at the initial gap. With the Snowy weather here is Nova Scotia I haven't had a chance to go practice but was wondering what you guys think I should work on