Diary entry for Sunday, August 22, 2021. Great grandma's 80 something family reunion and birthday. Possibly not in that order. Xan you're tired, Riley you're tired. Saw Sam, his girlfriend, great on Paris, great uncle Brian, great aunt Trish, great uncle Alan, great grandma, Gigi, grandpa, Max and Simon and their significant others, Richard, and Danielle and Violet, Rebekah Thomas Ava and Ezra, I don't remember who else. No one deadnameded Uncle Jack and use proper pronouns, others denied climate science or insulted Canada. I had talks about Anime, D and D, environmental sciences, activism, religion, and many other subjects. Riley you picked your favour for today, Xan Maddie encouraged you to no end so I guess she was your favorite. I wish we could talk with people like Max and Simon more often.