On April 27th Kobe City started to literally ‘fly the flag’ – put out flags in Kobe City – heralding the Kobe 2024 Para Athletics World Championships to be held from May 17th – May 25th. An event titled ‘PARAgrressive Day’ was held in various locations in Kobe. Barrier Free Japan made some videos!

As of the evening of April 28th 2024, Hirotada Ototake is set to lose the by-election for a House of Representatives seat. On April 23rd it was reported that someone was arrested for attacking a staffer working for Ototake.

Episode Notes:
YouTube: ‘Kobe City ‘Flies the Flag’ for the Kobe 2024 Para Athletics World Championships’:


Kobe Begins to ‘Fly the Flag’ for the Kobe 2024 Para Athletics World Championships with ‘PARAgrressive Day’’ (YouTube & TikTok Links):


‘Man arrested over assault of Tokyo by-election campaign staffer of disabled candidate, Hirotada Ototake’:


‘Hirotada certain to lose by-election’ (Japanese language): https://mainichi.jp/articles/20240426/k00/00m/010/325000c