Sherri Davidoff: Data is Hazardous Material… Act Accordingly

If you want to make sure that all the data in your bank is safely secured… who better to talk to than someone who used to break into banks?

Sherri Davidoff was a hacker who then turned those skills she learned as a student into a career helping others protect their data and their clients’ data. Over the years, organizations ranging from the Department of Defense to the FDIC have come to her in order to learn from her expertise.

This week on DirtySecurity, Edward Preston has a chat with Sherri on a myriad of topics that affect businesses that run the gamut from sole proprietor to large enterprise. Whether it is how do deal with the monetary demands from Ranomsware hooligans (spoiler alert… work with professionals to figure it out) or what kind of cyber-hygeine steps can harden your network, Sherri has the experience and the easy deliver to help.

About Sherri Davidoff

Sherri Davidoff (@SherriDavidoff) is a cybersecurity expert, author, speaker and CEO of both LMG Securityand BrightWise, Inc. As a recognized expert in digital forensics and cybersecurity, Sherri has authored courses for Black Hat and the SANS Institute. She has consulted for and/or provided cybersecurity training at many notable organizations, including the Department of Defense, the American Bar Association, FFIEC/FDIC, and many more.

Sherri is a faculty member at the Pacific Coast Banking School, where she teaches cybersecurity classes. She is a frequent contributor of education articles and webinars, and occasionally serves as a cybersecurity expert on television. Sherri is a GIAC-certified forensic examiner (GCFA) and penetration tester (GPEN), and holds her degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from MIT.

Sherri’s new book, Data Breaches: Crisis and Opportunity, will be released in 2019. This book gives a glimpse into the high-octane world of data breach disclosure and response, while showing you how to protect your organization before and after a data breach.

Since her hacking days at MIT, where she was known as “Alien” and ran her first real-world social engineering and penetration tests, Sherri has been passionate about cybersecurity. You will be able to read more about her experiences as a hacker turned security consultant in Jeremy N. Smith’s 2020 book, Breaking and Entering: The Extraordinary Story of a Hacker Called “Alien”.

About Edward Preston

Edward Preston (@eptrader) has an eclectic professional background that stretches from the trading floors of Wall Street to data centers worldwide. Edward started his career in the finance industry, spending over 15 years in commodities and foreign exchange. With a natural talent for motivating, coaching, and mentoring loyal, goal-oriented sales teams, Edward has a track record for building effective sales teams who have solid communication lines with executive management. 

Every week on the DirtySecurity Podcast, Edward Preston chats with Cylance’s best and brightest about what is happening in the world of Cybersecurity and the work Cylance is doing to make things better. Each episode shines a spotlight on the people of Cylance and the work they do with our technology and consulting services to clean up the often dirty world of the data center.

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