Donna Cameron has spent her career working with nonprofit organizations and causes—as an executive, consultant, trainer, and volunteer. She has seen kindness in action and been awed by its power to transform.

When she committed to a year of living kindly she considered herself a reasonably nice person (with occasional lapses into bitchiness), but she knew that true kindness was a step above—and over the course of that year, she learned that it takes practice, patience, and understanding . . . not to mention a sense of humor. Out of her experience was born the book A Year of Living Kindly. We chat about the book, kindness and why it's needed more than ever these days.

The recipient of multiple writing awards, Cameron has published numerous articles and, in 2011, coauthored (with Kristen Leathers) One Hill, Many Voices: Stories of Hope and Healing. Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Donna now lives in a suburb of Seattle with her husband.

Episode Extra:

For Patreon supporters, Donna has offered a free one-page “manifesto” describing 10 key elements of kindness just for supporters of the podcast. You can get access to this bonus and others by becoming a Patron today for as little as $1.00 a month. Get access to episodes early, giveaways, and bonuses like this one.

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