Directed by Thorold Dickinson, The Arsenal Stadium Mystery is a 1939 thriller/murder mystery/comedy (we don't get it either) set and filmed at Highbury. Arsenal are playing a friendly against the fictional 'Trojans', who's star player drops dead in the middle of the match. This death is then investigated by Inspector Slade (Leslie Banks), who suspects murder.

This week we were fortunate enough to be joined by Arsenal expert Tim Stillman. Tim writes about all things Arsenal, and is a regular on the Arsenal Vision Podcast. Oliver spoke to Tim about the film, Arsenal in the 30s, George Allison, as well as 'Royal Arsenal - Champions of the South', the book he co-authored with Andy Kelly and Mark Andrew about Arsenal's late 19th century beginnings. You can find him on twitter @stillberto

For those who want to go straight to Oliver and Tim's chat, skip ahead to the 21st minute. After which Oli and Jack do a new and improved mash-up. Enjoy the show!

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Presented and created by @olivertill97 and @jackoc44

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