So this is a big deal for me. I discovered Memoryhouse after discovering composer Max Richter three years ago. I was living in Chicago and bought a record called The Slideshow Effect, and was immediately smitten with their sound. I played it for my roommate and told her that, "This is more than my jam, this is everything I love about music."  You can imagine my excitement when I was able to get a hold of them since I was curious about what they've been up to and how they've come to be the band that they are.  It's been awhile since they've put out a record but they are back and just finished a new album that should be out sometime next year. As a silver-club member of the Memoryhouse fan club, I couldn't be more excited to hear new songs.

For this 20-minute discussion, we focus on their songwriting process of course, but also the inspiration behind the masterpiece that is The Slideshow Effect.  Hopefully I don't come across too much like Kathy Bates in Misery declaring myself as a number one fan and more like a true music nerd that just happens to adore what Memoryhouse does.  Included are snippets of several songs as well as some links below so you can go out and buy their records.  You won't be sorry that you did.  A million thanks to Denise and Evan for their time.  Much gratitude to you for listening, and as I mention at the very end, the new website is:!


Songs Featured:
Memoryhouse - Lately
Memoryhouse - Bonfire
Memoryhouse - Heirloom (acoustic)
Memoryhouse - Pale Blue
Memoryhouse - Little Expressionless Animals
Memoryhouse - Walk With Me

Two Of My Favorites (YouTube):
Memoryhouse - Heirloom
Memoryhouse - When You Sleep (My Bloody Valentine Cover)