Guest-free but incredibly happy to return together as we trek into troubled terrain to talk about independent filmmaker Kelly Reichardt. Despite having not seen her very first film or her latest from this year, we feel confident in expressing what we love about the three films of hers that have garnered much acclaim - OLD JOY, WENDY & LUCY, and MEEK’S CUTOFF. In addition, Patrick talks about Linklater’s latest BOYHOOD while I giddily catch up with a lightning round of about 12 films that I’ve seen as of late.

0:00 - 14:50 - Intro / In-House Business
14:51- 15:50 - What We Watched Song
15:51 - 1:06:48 - What We Watched This Week
1:06:49 - 1:07:58 - Director Song
1:07:59 - 2:17:59 - Director Discussion
2:18:00 - 2:27:28 - Top 3 Lists / Outro

In two weeks, we return to discuss the controversial work of Oliver Stone, focusing mainly on his earlier films PLATOON and SALVADOR. Until then, send us your feedback and comments over to: [email protected]. Thanks as always for listening!