Michael Glover Smith loves movies so much, it was inevitable that he would go on to make some of his own. Not only that, he writes about movies, teaches film classes, and has even written a book on Chicago film history. I had the immense pleasure of finally catching up with MERCURY IN RETROGRADE and shared my reaction to a casting choice during our interview here, but the bulk of the conversation surrounds his latest film, the empathic family dramedy RELATIVE

A great ensemble of talent carries this sweet story of a Chicago-based family getting together for their son’s college graduation. A lot of tension emerges but so does a lot of compassion and concern for one another. Wait til you hear about some of the cast, especially the accomplished actors that play the parents. Michael shared a lot of interesting and unexpected connections regarding everyone and even though we talked for close to an hour, there were other questions I could’ve asked since he’s articulate/passionate about his work. 

Definitely check out the RELATIVE website below and if you get this in time, there’s a special screening event taking place in the neighborhood where he resides and where some of the film was shot. If you miss that screening at The New 400 coming up, there will be plenty of opportunities so stay tuned. Grateful to Michael for taking some time out and looking forward to talking with him again. Stay tuned for more content this month coming from Bill Ackerman and my first director-centric episode in quite awhile comes out in a couple weeks!

See RELATIVE At The New 400 In Rogers Park:

Official Site For RELATIVE:

Check Out The Trailer for RELATIVE:

Check Out Michael's Blog, White City Cinema: