So you might remember him as Arnie from Christine and that's where I first became aware of the terrific talent of one writer/director/actor extraordinaire Keith Gordon. He's been on Voices + Visions / Director's Club a few times now, thus beginning a yearly tradition where we check in and take the opportunity to nerd out about cinema of years past. Get out a notepad to jot down some of the titles discussed on this episode, as well as check out the list on Letterboxd.

The last time we spoke, we discussed underrated films of the 80s. This time we go back yet another decade to discuss the 70s and how incredible of a time it was to be a cinephile. Some titles might be familiar but a few were new to me. We have a wonderful discussion as always so if you've been a fan of our other talks, I have no doubt you'll enjoy the latest one as well. Check out the previous KG episodes / lists below!

Underrated Films Of The 1990s:

Underrated Films Of The 1980s:

Check Out The Pure Cinema Podcast (w/QT) Mentioned: