TwitchFilm writer and Cinecast co-host Kurt Halfyard hangs out with us for this bonus episode to discuss the critically acclaimed AMC show Breaking Bad.   SPOILERS!  We give away major plot points throughout this episode. We first talk about the series as a whole, including our first impressions, but the majority of the conversation is spent on our feelings about the Season 4 Finale.  There are definitely criticisms about the plausibility and logic behind Walt's actions that are brought up.  It is safe to say that you should be all caught up with the show before listening to this.  Stay tuned early next week for an upcoming lost DCPC episode (Ep. 15) in which we talk about our all-time favorite movies.  Happy holidays from us!

Our next official episode about our Favorite Films of 2011 won't drop until the 2nd week of January.  Until next time, please send us your suggestions as well as any comments about BREAKING BAD or any show we’ve discussed or will discuss on a future episode. Drop us a line if you’re a movie blogger/podcaster and would like a guest spot on the show to talk about a filmmaker whose work you admire (or despise). Thanks for listening and be sure to check out our updated upcoming schedule in the sidebar to see which directors we’ll be talking about soon! Leave us a voicemail to play on the show at 224-366-9528. Questions are always welcome via email: [email protected]