With all that's going on in the world right now, it's been hard to focus on new content. I've been actively trying to put Google Docs together of books, resources, organizations and various links to help educate myself further even if that's not enough nor will it bring back the lives of the victims I've named at the top of the show. My hope is that everyone listening is doing some kind of protest / research / action in some capacity. I didn't want to be completely silent in regards to my thoughts. Arguably, they do go on tangents and detours, but I hope the emotion is sincere when I say enough is enough. Took me over ten minutes to process my thoughts after reading a list of names that I've learned about over this past week.

After a 12-minute introduction stating similar thoughts in a hopefully coherent fashion, I decided to call up my friend and Chicago film critic Sergio Mims to talk about a vital film that I keep coming back to especially now. Paul Schrader's incredible 1978 crime drama, Blue Collar has become one of my top 20 favorites. I know Bill Ackerman and I once reviewed it at length about five years ago, but I wanted to revisit the film and more importantly talk with Sergio for about an hour about that film along with others that speak to him as well including Killer of Sheep and more.

00:00 - 11:46 - Introduction
11:47 - 01:04:50 - Sergio Mims + Blue Collar

115 Ways To Donate In Support Of Black Lives At This Time

Supporting Characters - Sergio Mims

Patrick's Review Of Blue Collar

Buy Blue Collar On Blu-Ray