Previous Episode: Interview with Nancy Gordon

Like many young children, I loved a good book. Books took me to magical lands. Listening to the stories was a pleasant way to while away time, dream about foreign people and places, and spend time with my Dad or Mom or big sister—whoever volunteered to read to me.

I couldn’t wait to read on my own, and once I did, I dug into books like a kid on a mission. My favorite day as a first grader was our weekly trip to the school library. I built my reading skills with the Spot series and moved on to Charlotte’s Web, Winnie-the-Pooh, and Cinderella.

As the daughter of a journalist and a short story and poetry writer, I learned to love literature, was edited throughout my life, and spent many hours doing writing-related things—attending conferences, running writing workshops, writing books together with family members. Writing is in my blood.

And so is the interest in helping you get your writing done, whether it’s for your business, or for you personally. And even though my attention at one point turned to science (specifically microbiology, a fascinating subject) and then to business--writing, and stories, never left me.

Instead, I looked for ways to use my talents. I wrote technical documents (thank you science degree and graduate coursework), and compose business literature when working in corporate communications. As a freelance writer, I edited textbooks and a variety of educational materials, and wrote a textbook and a variety of educational materials. I wrote articles of all sorts for national magazines and was a stringer for a large daily newspaper in Philadelphia.

When the internet proved to be a powerful marketing tool, I wrote blog posts for the business I started with my business partner, along with newsletters, sales letters, and postcard copy.

That love of words developed in my childhood followed me throughout my life.

In short, I am a storyteller, incorporating the best writing and editing practices to your marketing, business and technical documents. From simple, short bios, to blog posts, articles, white papers, and more, you get the expertise that a lifetime of reading and writing has to offer.