California faces a convergence of public health crises as dozens of wildfires unleash hazardous levels of air pollution across the state.

Smoke-laden air has exacerbated conditions, like asthma, while the menace of Covid-19 looms, mounting a respiratory threat on two fronts. For the more than 650,000 Californians sick with the virus, poor air quality is particularly dangerous. A small increase in air pollution has been shown to significantly increase patients' risk of severe illness and death.

Meanwhile, sweeping evacuations have forced emergency officials to abandon pre-Covid protocols, filling up hotels to avoid crowded shelters. Nearly 50,000 people have been evacuated across the state.

On this episode of the podcast, we speak with Direct Relief's head of research and analytics, Andrew Schroeder, about the heightened health risks of California's wildfires and more on what those affected should know.