It's time for Atlanta to step up to the challenge. We are the city that created the Giving Kitchen and we are the city that can rise up and face this pandemic. We will stay home, we will be safe, we will support one another and we will give everything we can to keep each other healthy and safe.

I'm changing the format of the Dinner Tonight Atlanta podcast for a bit. It no longer makes sense to do a daily podcast making restaurant recommendations. During the pandemic things are changing to quickly to keep up with who is still open and who is offering takeout or deliveries. So now I'm doing what I can to spread the word on how YOU can help. With me on this episode is Bryan Schroeder, Executive Director of the Giving Kitchen.

Here's how you can help:

1) Donate to the Giving Kitchen and learn about their COVID-19 Resources here:

2) Search for and donate directly to Atlanta Restaurants and food industry workers here:

3) Order takeout and delivery and tip enormously.

4) Check out

5) Call an elderly or sick neighbor and offer to pick up groceries for them or order delivery for them.

6) Search for #VirtualTipJar and find out how to donate directly to your favorite restaurant via Venmo or GoFundMe.

7) Stay home. Wash your hands. Don't hoard. 


What to start your own podcast? Contact my co-host, Mickey Desai at Podcast Wizardry: