We reveal our ties to a secret society, and talk trailers and recommendations.

In between 'franchise' episodes (where we delve into a particular film or series of films) we'll be doing bonus episodes where we talk about wider trends in sequel culture, sequel news, new trailers and whatever the hell we like

Allen and Chris recorded this a while ago but we age like wine, not bread.

In this episode:

-Brexit predictions

-Those crazy Hollywood liberals

-Our Illuminati past

-and some stuff about films

Trailer Talk:

-Angry Birds 2

-Frozen 2

-Toy Story 4

We are an independent podcast, so remember and subscribe, rate and review the show wherever you get your podcasts. Have friends that like cult films and can understand Scottish accents? Send them a link to the show.



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YouTube: Diminishing Returns (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTkdqFm2OiLVwGhjVHEtaFw_)



DIMINISHING RETURNS: A comedy podcast about movie sequels, prequels, spin-offs and reboots. Hosted by Allen and Chris. WARNING: Contains Scottish accents and spoilers.

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