Please share, rate, and review … Follow us on all social media platforms @dimesinthedozen


On this week’s session of The Bird & The Bear … Sammy and Daryl are supplying the variety with a life update from both hosts, reactions to Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro’s new song, and a great conversation about black representation in Anime … Shoutout to these content creators on YouTube for providing the backing to our Anime discussion: “Is Anime Racist?” (ibz), “How To Do Black Representation in Anime” (Jet The Prophet), “Why Anime is for Black People - Hip Hop x Anime” (Beyond The Bot), and “Why Do Black People Love Anime?” Blxxk Anime … Let’s sort through it together


(0:00) - The session opens with our hosts sharing their life updates from the past month, starting with Sammy talking about the progress he’s made with his 2024 resolutions, seeing the film Iron Claw, the “do’s” and “don’ts” of drinking in public, and how excited he is to once again attend Thunderdome - “ALWAYS with the tired ass millennial rap references!”

(28:36) - Daryl talks about his upcoming trip to visit a friend in Utah, the progress he’s made with his fitness journey, his spontaneous choice to go to Sick New World 2024 in Las Vegas, and his experience at the Astra Lumina art display in the Seattle Chinese Garden - “What are you gonna do? Fight me over the Goodwill’s policy?”

(42:02) - Sammy and Daryl update Session 75’s white rapper discussion with their reactions to Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro’s new song, “Facts” - “I guarantee that Tom MacDonald has at one point in time talked about how negative participation trophies are, and he’s in ‘Hip-Hop’ b**chin about how he’s not getting his participation trophy”

(1:18:54) - Sammy and Daryl discuss black representation within Anime, specifically why black people have a connection to it and how they’re portrayal in the art form has evolved - “For whatever reason a certain culture latches on to a specific art form and wants to see themselves in it”

Please share, rate, and review … Follow us on all social media platforms @dimesinthedozen


On this week’s session of The Bird & The Bear … Sammy and Daryl are supplying the variety with a life update from both hosts, reactions to Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro’s new song, and a great conversation about black representation in Anime … Shoutout to these content creators on YouTube for providing the backing to our Anime discussion: “Is Anime Racist?” (ibz), “How To Do Black Representation in Anime” (Jet The Prophet), “Why Anime is for Black People - Hip Hop x Anime” (Beyond The Bot), and “Why Do Black People Love Anime?” Blxxk Anime … Let’s sort through it together


(0:00) - The session opens with our hosts sharing their life updates from the past month, starting with Sammy talking about the progress he’s made with his 2024 resolutions, seeing the film Iron Claw, the “do’s” and “don’ts” of drinking in public, and how excited he is to once again attend Thunderdome - “ALWAYS with the tired ass millennial rap references!”

(28:36) - Daryl talks about his upcoming trip to visit a friend in Utah, the progress he’s made with his fitness journey, his spontaneous choice to go to Sick New World 2024 in Las Vegas, and his experience at the Astra Lumina art display in the Seattle Chinese Garden - “What are you gonna do? Fight me over the Goodwill’s policy?”

(42:02) - Sammy and Daryl update Session 75’s white rapper discussion with their reactions to Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro’s new song, “Facts” - “I guarantee that Tom MacDonald has at one point in time talked about how negative participation trophies are, and he’s in ‘Hip-Hop’ b**chin about how he’s not getting his participation trophy”

(1:18:54) - Sammy and Daryl discuss black representation within Anime, specifically why black people have a connection to it and how they’re portrayal in the art form has evolved - “For whatever reason a certain culture latches on to a specific art form and wants to see themselves in it”