Minter Dialogue #54This interview is with Adrien Henni, a Frenchman and man on the know based in Moscow. Adrien is co-founder and chief editor of East West Digital News, an English language media focused on the evolving Russian digital market. He is also advisor to FaberNovel, the innovation consultancy out of Paris. For anyone interested in exploring the Russian digital market, you'll want to listen up! Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter. Or you can follow me on Twitter on @mdial. And, if you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate the podcast.Enjoy the show!
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Minter Dialogue #54This interview is with Adrien Henni, a Frenchman and man on the know based in Moscow. Adrien is co-founder and chief editor of East West Digital News, an English language media focused on the evolving Russian digital market. He is also advisor to FaberNovel, the innovation consultancy out of Paris. For anyone interested in exploring the Russian digital market, you'll want to listen up! Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter. Or you can follow me on Twitter on @mdial. And, if you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate the podcast.Enjoy the show!

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